Tweak XP 2.0 Pro
Czy ma ktoś cracka do w/w programu?
Odpowiedzi: 7
1. Install the Tweak–XP Pro v2 or later
2. Create a New Textfile, but call it Tweak–XP.bat and place it in the Default install Directory of x:Program FilesTweak–XP Pro
3. Open the newly created Tweak–XP.bat and paste the following in, but watch the Word Wrap where the line continues onto the next line.
––––Copy from Next Line––––
@echo off
::regedit import batch
set reg=%HOMEDRIVE%WindowsTempTweakXP.reg
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 > %reg%
echo. >> %reg%
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftEnterpriseCertificatesCACertificates] >> %reg%
echo "Valid"="" >> %reg%
echo. >> %reg%
regedit /s %reg%
del %reg%
cdProgram FilesTweak–XP Pro
––––Copy to Previous Line––––
4. Goto your Desktop, right–click on the Tweak–XP Pro shortcut, select Properties and change the Target "x:Program FilesTweak–XPTweak–XP.exe" to read "x:Program FilesTweak–XPTweak–XP.bat" and select Run: and change to Minimize
5. While you have the Window still showing, you can change the Icon by browsing to xProgram FilesTweak–XP ProTweak–XP.exe
Hope it works for you as well, it will if you follow the above steps.
P.S. You will still get the 5 second StartUp delay and the other window, but other than that it should continue to active with 30 evaluations remaining.
licznik ciągle pokazuje 30 i spokojnie moźna pracować
1. Install the Tweak–XP Pro v2 or later
2. Create a New Textfile, but call it Tweak–XP.bat and place it in the Default install Directory of x:Program FilesTweak–XP Pro
3. Open the newly created Tweak–XP.bat and paste the following in, but watch the Word Wrap where the line continues onto the next line.
––––Copy from Next Line––––
@echo off
::regedit import batch
set reg=%HOMEDRIVE%WindowsTempTweakXP.reg
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 > %reg%
echo. >> %reg%
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftEnterpriseCertificatesCACertificates] >> %reg%
echo "Valid"="" >> %reg%
echo. >> %reg%
regedit /s %reg%
del %reg%
cdProgram FilesTweak–XP Pro
––––Copy to Previous Line––––
4. Goto your Desktop, right–click on the Tweak–XP Pro shortcut, select Properties and change the Target "x:Program FilesTweak–XPTweak–XP.exe" to read "x:Program FilesTweak–XPTweak–XP.bat" and select Run: and change to Minimize
5. While you have the Window still showing, you can change the Icon by browsing to xProgram FilesTweak–XP ProTweak–XP.exe
Hope it works for you as well, it will if you follow the above steps.
P.S. You will still get the 5 second StartUp delay and the other window, but other than that it should continue to active with 30 evaluations remaining.
licznik ciągle pokazuje 30 i spokojnie moźna pracować
Kuba – moze i mi moglbys pomoc ? Dopiero zaczynam
i gdybys sie zdecydowal, prosze o "nieskomplikowana"
instrukcje . Wczoraj wgralam Tweaka i b. mi pomaga :oops:
i gdybys sie zdecydowal, prosze o "nieskomplikowana"
instrukcje . Wczoraj wgralam Tweaka i b. mi pomaga :oops:
A jest szansa na podzielenie sie ta wiedza z innymi? Tez chetnie zmienilbym w tym Tweak 2 pro licznik:)
Dzięki Kuba, ale zrobiłem sobie Cracka :lol:
Według twojej rady :lol: Włąściwie nie kraka a wpis do rejestru (loader).
Według twojej rady :lol: Włąściwie nie kraka a wpis do rejestru (loader).
ja mam cracka i to juz od dawna !!!! wiec nie trzeba czekac wystarczy Poprosić
ps przecieź zrobic cracka to nic trudnego...
ps przecieź zrobic cracka to nic trudnego...
ja mam cracka i to juz od dawna !!!! wiec nie trzeba czekac wystarczy Poprosić
ps przecieź zrobic cracka to nic trudnego...
ps przecieź zrobic cracka to nic trudnego...
leo czeba raczej poczekac na niego jakis miesiac
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