Dyskietka ASR w WinXP HE

Czy dyskietkę ASR w WinXP Home Edition moźna utworzyć?
Taka opcja jest dostępna w XP Pro.
Dyskietka ASR jest pomocna przy kopii sys

Odpowiedzi: 2

Jasne.Upierałem się przy ASR , bo wykonałem kopię zapasową systemu na partycji E.
I w razie crasch system,nie bardzo wiem,czy z F8 wejdę w kreatora przywracania kopii sys i czy to wszystko bez pomocy sterownika na ASR ruszy.

Poza tym,zgłaszam ci,jako adminowi,źe od jakiegoś czasu nie otrzymuję powiadomień na pocztę o odpowiedziach.
03.01.2004 17:36:20
Jednak chyba nie:

Automated System Recovery (ASR) – In a somewhat controversial move, Microsoft has removed the Backup utility from the default Windows XP Home Edition, though it is available as an optional installation if you can find it on the CD–ROM (hint: it's in the /valueadd folder). The reason for this the integration of Microsoft's new Automated System Recovery (ASR) tool into Backup. In Pro, ASR will help recover a system from a catastrophic error, such as one that renders the system unbootable. ASR–enabled backups are triggerable from XP Setup, allowing you to return your system to its previous state, even if the hard drive dies and has to be replaced. Unlike consumer–oriented features such as System Restore, ASR is not automatic: It must manually be enabled from within the Backup utility in Windows XP Pro. In any event, while there is a Backup utility available for Home Edition, you cannot use ASR, even though mentions of this feature still exist in the UI. Confusing? Yes. But it's better than no Backup at all, which was the original plan.

Users of Windows XP Home are out of luck: ASR is not available on their system. While mentions of this feature do exist in the backup utility of Windows XP Home, ASR is only functional in Windows XP Professional.

Dlaczego upierasz sie przy ASR ?
03.01.2004 15:29:11
03.01.2004 10:19:34
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