i386 czy mozna formatowac?
Mam jeden twardy dysk (160gb) podzielony byl na 3 partycje gdzie jedna miala 20gb, druga 14 i trzecia 126gb. Uzylem Norton Partition magic 8 zeby polaczyc partycje z 20gb z 126gb. Bez problemu to zrobil jestem zadowolony. Ale nie jestem zadowolony z czegos innego. No coz na partycji 126gb byl folder "ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e" w srodku byl folder "i386". Obydwa nie sa do skasowania. Niewiem czemu bo w srodku pisze ze folder "i386" ma 0kb. Teraz ta partycja ma 146GB. Folder "ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e" i "i386" wciaz tam sa, i chcialbym zformatowac ta partycje ale obawiam sie ze windows moze sie posypac.
Mam jeden twardy dysk (160gb) podzielony byl na 3 partycje gdzie jedna miala 20gb, druga 14 i trzecia 126gb. Uzylem Norton Partition magic 8 zeby polaczyc partycje z 20gb z 126gb. Bez problemu to zrobil jestem zadowolony. Ale nie jestem zadowolony z czegos innego. No coz na partycji 126gb byl folder "ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e" w srodku byl folder "i386". Obydwa nie sa do skasowania. Niewiem czemu bo w srodku pisze ze folder "i386" ma 0kb. Teraz ta partycja ma 146GB. Folder "ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e" i "i386" wciaz tam sa, i chcialbym zformatowac ta partycje ale obawiam sie ze windows moze sie posypac.
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windows sie nie posypie ? To czemu niemozna normalnie tego foldera skasowac ?
Jaki komunikat wystepuje podczas póby kasacji ?? Odmowa dostepu ?? W przyklejonym FAQ masz instrukcję jak dostać sie do takich folderów. A na teraz to wygląda on na rozpakowaną przed instalacją jakąś poprawkę do Windowsa.
Dzieki zolty, otworzylem i nod32 wyskoczyl mi z komunikatem ze jakis win32/virut virus byl. Wrzucil pliki do kwarantanny. Ale teraz zauwazylem ze ten folder ma 330mb! czy ja te pliki potrzebuje ? Czy moge formatowac?
<P>Raczej możesz formatować. Na chwile obecna nie jestem w stanie wymyślić do czego ten folder może być. 330 MB to może być rozpakowany Service Pack. Ale to strzelctwo i bez szczegółowych informacji o plikach z folderu strzelectwem pozostanie.</P>
Kurcze ale mam stresa.....
<P><BLOCKQUOTE><div><img src="http://portal.centrumxp.pl/Themes/default/images/icon-quote.gif"> <strong>michael557:</strong></div><div>Kurcze ale mam stresa.....</div></BLOCKQUOTE></P> <P>Może jakiś psychoterapeuta by sie przydał ;)</P> <P>A na poważnie i jeszcze raz - na 99,9% możesz formatować. Nikt Ci nie powie co to jest po samej nazwie folderu i rozmiarze. Rozejrzyj się po tym folderze - poczytaj pliki tekstowe, popatrz na nazwy plików - może coś znajdziesz, co nakieruje Cie na odpowiedź - co to jest. No i o jednym zapomniałem - jak sie nazwywał ten śmiec co go Nod wychwycił ??</P>
Time Module Object Name Threat Action User Information<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:29 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\msmsgs.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:29 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\spupdsvc.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:29 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\vbc.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:28 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\tcptest.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:28 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\stub_fpsrvadm.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:28 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\stub_fpsrvwin.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:28 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\shtml.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:27 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\netsetup.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:26 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\fp98swin.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:26 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\fpremadm.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:17:26 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\fpsrvadm.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus cleaned Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:58 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\vbc.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:47 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\tcptest.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:40 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\stub_fpsrvwin.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:39 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\stub_fpsrvadm.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:36 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\spupdsvc.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:30 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\shtml.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:29 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\netsetup.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:21 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\msmsgs.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:18 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\fpsrvadm.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:16 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\fpremadm.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:13 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\fpcount.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus deleted NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:16:12 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\fpadmcgi.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus deleted NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:15:59 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\fp98swin.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus quarantined NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:15:44 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\cfgwiz.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus deleted NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:15:43 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\author.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus deleted NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR />2007-01-03 08:15:42 AMON file F:\ee9300f0acf3916473be28d5a3ce4e\i386\admin.exe Win32/Virut.4960 virus deleted NUK3R\Milosz Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE.<BR /><BR /><BR />
Sugeruję dysk przeskanować cały Nodem bo być może wirus gdzieś jeszcze sie dokleił. A folder usuń.
A moge sformatowac ?
Ja bym formatował.
to ten i386 jak zniknie to mi nieposypie windowsa ?
<P><BLOCKQUOTE><div><img src="http://portal.centrumxp.pl/Themes/default/images/icon-quote.gif"> <strong>michael557:</strong></div><div>to ten i386 jak zniknie to mi nieposypie windowsa ?</div></BLOCKQUOTE></P> <P>IMO nie.</P>
sformatowalem, restartowalem i.... nic wszystko w normie. Out<BR /><BR />http://portal.centrumxp.pl/forums/337895/ShowThread.aspx#337895<BR />http://portal.centrumxp.pl/forums/337895/ShowThread.aspx#337895<BR />http://portal.centrumxp.pl/forums/337895/ShowThread.aspx#337895<BR />http://portal.centrumxp.pl/forums/337895/ShowThread.aspx#337895<BR />http://portal.centrumxp.pl/forums/337895/ShowThread.aspx#337895<BR />